© Art Rangno
Catalina, Arizona, United States of America
Latitude: 32° 28' 30'' N
Longitude: 110° 53' 38'' W
30 January 2010 1512 (Local Time)
Camera direction: towards SW
Image P/S code: P.5.4
Image I.D.: 5733
CL = 0, CM = 1, CH = /
Altostratus is a greyish or bluish cloud sheet or layer of striated, fibrous or uniform appearance. It may totally or partly cover the sky. In this photograph, an extensive layer of dark grey-coloured Altostratus can be seen, which extended for nearly 1 000 km. It is sufficiently translucent in most parts that the Sun can be seen diffusely (ground glass effect), which identifies the variety as translucidus. Also visible are several prominent undulations that lie transverse to the upper wind but are relatively featureless. These are of the variety undulatus. In several parts of the image, but particularly towards the centre right, trails of the supplementary feature virga can be seen, evaporating as they fall into a very dry layer of air below.
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The sounding from Tucson, Arizona, USA (WMO 72274), about 50 km to the south, shows a deep moist layer extending from approximately 500 hPa to the tropopause.
Altostratus is a greyish or bluish cloud sheet or layer of striated, fibrous or uniform appearance, totally or partly covering the sky. In this photograph, the complex sky is almost totally covered by a layer of grey Altostratus and all three conditions can be seen: in the middle of the panoramic image, the cloud has a fairly uniform and diffuse appearance; towards the bottom, striations are visible (such as at 2 and 3); and there is an extensive area where the the cloud looks fibrous. As the Altostratus is sufficiently opaque to mask the position of the Sun, we can include the variety opacus. On the left of the image, there are also several undulations visible for the variety undulatus. On the right, note how, due to perspective, parallel bands appear to converge towards a point on the horizon; this is the variety radiatus. Also visible are hanging protuberances of the supplementary feature mamma, although this is not a classic example. In the distance, note the supplementary feature virga falling from the main layer of Altostratus.
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