© Michael C. Hanna
Wayland, New York, United States of America
Latitude: 42° 34' 4'' N
Longitude: 77° 35' 24'' W
12 October 2015 1733 (Local Time)
Camera direction: towards SE
Image P/S code: P.1.2
Image I.D.: 5996
CL = 0, CM = 0, CH = 1
This quite amazing image has captured five species of Cirrus in the same sky. The predominate species is uncinus, filaments often shaped like a comma, terminating at the top in a hook or a tuft but not in the form of a rounded protuberance.
The other species, in no specific order, are:
fibratus of which there are a few filaments on the lower right; castellanus, a solitary line left of centre on the horizon; floccus in several places, particulary here and here; and lastly spissatus of which there are a few patches with a silky sheen near the right edge.The Cirrus was the first visible sign of an approaching cold front 900 km to the west. However, this Cirrus is not classified as invading as it developed in situ and did not extend down to the upwind horizon.
The Cirrus cleared to the NE and the leading edge of the frontal cloud band was on the western horizon 4 to 6 hours later. Light rain was observed in the area early morning of 13 October.
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The sounding from 100 km west-north-west shows high moisture content in two layers: from 487 to 465 hPa (5 800 to 6 200 m) and from 407 to 385 hPa (7 200 to 7 600 m). The cirriform cloud appears to be above 6 000 m and the temperature range in the higher layer supports heterogeneous nucleation.
Cirrus with hooks identifying it as species uncinus. Species fibratus is also present. An aircraft condensation trail can also be seen. The cloud was in advance of Atlantic fronts moving towards the British Isles.
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This is an unusual example of Cirrus of the species uncinus as it is viewed from almost directly below, rather than the more usual side-on or oblique view.
The cloud is white, is shaped like a comma and terminates at the top in the form of a hook or in a tuft, the upper part of which is not in the form of a rounded protuberance. If it did terminate at the top in the form of a rounded protuberance, it would be identified as Cirrus floccus.
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The cloud is white and without shading but has delicate filaments and patches identifying it as Cirrus. Some of the long ice crystal streamers end in tufts, typical of the species uncinus at 1 and 2. The Cirrus was associated with a weak frontolyzing cold front over Cornwall, UK.
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The image shows examples of the species uncinus, which is white and ends in the shape of a hook, and fibratus, which has distinct elements that do not end in a hook or comma shape.
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This is an outstanding example of Cirrus with a milky sheen. Cirrus of the species floccus and uncinus are present and there is evidence of the species spissatus developing where the uncinus is merging. The much smaller cloud elements behind and above the rooftops on the left-hand side are small enough to be Cirrocumulus floccus; they also have the characteristic ragged base of Cirrocumulus floccus. Cirrus uncinus dominates the sky, hence the coding of CH = 1.
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(NB. Hour of day estimated)
Tufts of Cirrus, above 1, are moving rapidly from lower right to upper left in a strong NW current aloft. Some tufts have hooks, and all have long trails below. As is often the case, the Cirrus in the distance above the setting sun appears to merge into Cirrostratus and has thickened and lowered to Altostratus opacus near the horizon. The increasing Cirrus heralded the approach of a fast-moving warm front to a depression 1500 km to the west.
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The characteristic appearance of uncinus is clearly visible. Some elements have the shape of a hook at (1, 2); others are surmounted by a fairly dense tuft, elongated obliquely into a more or less tenuous fibrous trail at (3, 4). On the whole, all trails are fairly parallel, but at some places isolated trails are superposed in a more or less tangled network. Disturbances had been passing the station from the west along the northern border of the Bermuda anticyclone. The warm front of a new approaching depression was at a distance of 500 km.
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The clouds are at two levels. The Cirrus, at the higher level, has a very thin filament structure at (1, 2) with hooks at (3, 4), so that the species is uncinus rather than fibratus. The cloud element at4&& verges on the variety intortus. The lower level is represented by patches of Cirrostratus at (&&5, 6), The cloud system was invading the sky progressively. The station was at the border of a depression, the active part of which was to the north-west over the Antarctic Ocean.
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