© Michael Bruhn
纬度: 38° 21' 50'' S
经度: 144° 52' 13'' E
29 May 2014 1313 (当地时间)
图像P/S代码: P.7.23
图像I.D.: 5841
CL = 4, CM = 0, CH = 0
探测是在图片拍摄前4小时,位置在北西北方向60公里。探测修正可确定从地面到830 hPa(1800米)逆温层底的干绝热直减率。
这张照片显示了来自捷克共和国的Prunéřov、Tušimice和Počerady发电厂的热量上升如何产生了1、2和3处的人为性浓积云。在一个逆温层下约2500米的高度,这些云扩散而形成了层积云。 由于积云的扩散形成了层积云,因此适用积云性母云的术语。此外,由于人类活动形成的云,人为性的名称也适用。因此,这种云是人为性积云性层积云。由于雾霾、烟囱的顺风、以及烟囱中的额外颗粒物产生的烟雾,地平线上的能见度略有下降。
该图显示了由积云扩散形成的层积云的侧视图,可将其确定为积云性云。随着积云内的上升气流在约1600米(5000英尺)处达到强烈的温度逆温,云层扩散开来。还可以看到少量的积云 ,云底位于约500米(1500英尺);在背景中可以看到更一层范围广泛的层积云 。
A line of Cumulus mediocris is being lit by the late afternoon sun, below the layer of Stratocumulus. The tops of these Cumuli, particularly at 3, 4, and 5, can be seen to be spreading into the Stratocumulus above, forming at an inversion level. A single Cumulus mediocris, with its top also spreading into Stratocumulus, can be seen at 6.
A cold front had moved southwards, and was lying along the English Channel some 125 km to the south. There was a strong ridge of high pressure building across the area as the upper-air situation rapidly stabilized.
Cumulus mediocris is located in a curved line across the photo. The Cumulus cloud at 2 has a rather hard base, but weakens with height as it reaches a stable layer. At 3, the vertical nature of the cloud disappears and it becomes diffuse, the cloud mass spreading into a horizontal Stratocumulus cloud. While none of the cumuliform clouds appear to rise above the stratiform layer, the Stratocumulus can be directly associated with the Cumulus because of the blue sky between cumuliform cloud groups.
The area was under the influence of a weak anticyclone, with light surface winds and a subsiding NW flow aloft.
The tops of the Cumulus mediocris at 1, 2, and 3 have reached an inversion layer where the increasing westerly wind aloft has carried the tops forward as they spread into Stratocumulus cumulogenitus. A cold front had moved across the area twelve hours earlier, and was lying 200 km to the east, with a ridge building up rapidly behind it.