Cb cap / cap inc
CL 9
Top mostly with anvil; all forms of shower possible.
Cb cal
CL 3
Upper part lacks sharp outlines; all forms of shower possible.
Sc cugen
CL 4
Flattened due to a stable layer or during afternoon.
Cu + Sc, bases at different levels
CL 8
Usually Cu base below Sc.
Cu med / con
CL 2
Defined cauliflower shape.
St fra, Cu fra
CL 7
Ragged St or Cu below rain-bearing clouds; before, during, after precipitation.
St neb / fra
CL 6
Smooth, uniform layer or in ragged shreds when dissipating.
Sc not formed by the spreading out of Cu
CL 5
Rounded shapes with shading.
Cu hum / fra
CL 1
Very little vertical extent, can be frayed.
Figure 11. Cloud classification aid CL